Your Steel Building Specialist
Steel Building Manufacturing Facility
A Steel Building Manufacturing Facility often requires a lot of space in order to accommodate the specific needs of the industry. Everything from workstation space to work flow needs to be considered. In many cases a clear span design offers a wide open floor plan to setup as needed. Occasionally, a multi span setup is called for when the needed width is greater than the economics for a clear span.

While the width and length are an important factor in a Steel Building Manufacturing Facility, the inside height requirements can be a big deal as well. Whether it's a need for high racks, large equipment, or even a crane system, we can provide the Steel Building you need for your manufacturing facility.

Many businesses utilize lean manufacturing to eliminate waste and reduce cost. A pre-engineered Steel Building continues the idea of cost effectiveness in not only the manufacturing process with reduced waste, but also in the construction phase with shorter build times. Of course, all of this adds up to help with your ROI.
Steel Building Advantages
Reduced Waste
Shorter Build Time
Reduced Maintenance

This manufacturing facility utilized a 238'8" x 169'4" multi span steel building with tilt up concrete walls in order to have the space needed for their operation. With internal columns, they were able to achieve the footprint needed for their overall building design. Tilt up concrete buildings still require a steel frame designed to carry not only the load requirements for the roof, but also the lateral loads imposed by the wall system. We are more than happy to work with you on your building needs.

Having a need for space for their custom wood working shop, this customer choose a 75' x 100' steel building to meet their growing needs. They were able to use a clear span design for an open floor space to organize work stations as needed. Additional options of a large roll up door and multiple vent fans compliment this building.
Get your free quote today
Whether you have a small or large manufacturing operation, starting from scratch or adding on, Renegade Steel Buildings is here to help you. Fill out our quick quote form below to get started working on your Steel Building Manufacturing Facility today!