Your Steel Building Specialist
"I'm new to this, what's involved with buying a Steel Metal Building?"
That's really a great question, and something not every steel building company will help you with. You have taken the first step by researching buildings and companies which is why you are probably here. Renegade Steel Buildings will give you some info here, but don't be afraid to give us a call and talk to a project manager. We are here to help you buy the right building giving you the most value for your investment.
A great place to get started is to look at pictures of steel buildings to get an idea of what appeals to you. Take a few minutes and look through our galleries to get some ideas.
Determine the size steel building you need
What size building fits your needs, and what fits your lot? A common size steel building used for a home workshop or garage is often 30x40 or 40x60. The height can vary from 10' to 14' or 16' depending on the size of vehicles you may be parking and if you may want an auto lift in your shop. The big thing to look at is the footprint and if you have to consider how far back it has to sit from your property line.
For a commercial property, this is even more important. You may be required to fit within certain setbacks from the road, and all property lines. We would suggest speaking to your local city development office to get a clear idea of what you can and can't do. Nothing is more frustrating than planning for a new building or an expansion that doesn't fit!
Can I just get a ball park number?
"Why is it so hard to just give a ball park number?" There are quite a few variables that go into a building price. Let's take a common size 30x40x10 steel building for instance. You would think we could just say that's $7-$8 / sq-ft. But that's not the whole story for that building. Does that include insulation? Is shipping included? What if you live in a high wind area like a coast line? All of these factors play into the price of a steel building which we can't know until we run the building specifically for your area and needs. Wind and snow loads play a major factor in pricing as does the distance from the manufacturing plant. With a short conversation on the phone, we can get the info needed to get you an accurate quote!
I got my Steel Building quote, what's next?
I'm ready to order, now what?
First of all, thank you for your order! We try hard to educate our customers so they know they are getting a quality American made steel building for a great value!
"When can I expect my drawings?" It has been common to get your drawings in about two weeks from when you place a deposit on the building. It can take a little longer when the steel industry is busy.. You will use the stamped drawings to obtain your permit, as well as for your concrete contractor to layout your foundation and slab. The drawings do not include an actual foundation plan but do include the plan for the anchor bolt patterns.
Let's talk a little about concrete. Your contractor doing your concrete should be able to get foundation plans for you (these may be required for your permit as well). If not, we have resources to get plans drawn up for an additional fee. We do get asked why foundation plans don't come with a steel building. The engineers that design your building are structural engineers and have valid engineering stamps for your state. They are not foundation engineers, so they have no way to stamp a foundation plan. A foundation engineer will read the info from the steel building plans and can tell you what is needed to support your building properly. The other part of the foundation is the anchor bolts. Since they are part of the foundation, they are not included with the building. They can also be different lengths depending on where the building is going. The steel building plans will specify what diameter is needed along with a bolt pattern plan, and the foundation plan will tell you how long they need to be. Have your concrete contractor include them in their price to you.
When will my steel building arrive?
What do I need when my steel building arrives?
Your building will arrive on a semi-tractor trailer. You will need to make sure they have adequate room to make it off the main road to your building location. It is up to the discretion of the driver if he feels he cannot get in and out safely. You will give this driver your Cashier's Check for your final COD amount.
You will need to have a fork lift to get the steel off the truck. There will be several bundles of material and care should be taken to get everything off safely and without damage. Unless you have arranged otherwise, any doors and insulation will arrive later the same day on different truck carriers.
If you have contracted to have your building erected, you should have an agreement with them to unload for you as part of your contract. This is the time to inventory your building and notate any damage or shortages on the shipper that you sign and give us a call. Click here to see a little more detail about your steel building delivery.