Your Steel Building Specialist
Metal Building Horse Riding Arena

Metal Building Horse Riding Arena
This Metal Building Horse Riding Arena is much like many others in that it provides shelter for the riders and horses as well. With the obvious benefit of allowing riders to enjoy time spent with their horse on days when the weather is not so great, it can also help with relief from the heat on those bright sunny days as well.
While many in the equestrian community choose to build a Metal Building Horse Riding Arena for a variety of reasons from comfort to economics, this facility is a little different. We were excited to work with this customer knowing the great work they do. Hope Reins provides kids in crisis with a safe facility where they pair hurting kids with rescued horses creating a path for hope and healing. This riding arena is just part of their plan to grow and serve even more kids.
Knowing this Metal Building Horse Riding Arena will go toward helping their ministry makes us even more excited that they choose to work with Renegade Steel Buildings!

The main riding area consists of a 80x150x16 steel building structure with 2:12 roof pitch and a 6' overhang on all sides. It also includes a partial wall on the ends starting at 12' to enclose the gables otherwise all walls are open.
The viewing area is a 50x25x10' steel building structure with 1.5:12 roof pitch and all sides open. The front gable is partially sheeted to match the riding arena.

The customer dressed up their building by wrapping the red iron columns in wood trim and adding stone to the bottom of the viewing area columns. Each gable end of the Metal Building Horse Riding Arena as well as the front of the covered viewing area is also finished with wood. The riding arena is topped off with a couple of nice looking cupolas finished with the same wood and trim.

The interior of the riding arena portion shows a riding surface with a good footing proving comfort for both horse and rider. The design of the arena detailed a partial wall on the gable ends of the building allowing for zippered covers to be added. These clear covers can be unrolled and fastened to allow for riding during the colder months.
Lighting inside allows for extended riding hours and better visibility on cloudy or overcast days. The large fans keep the air moving keeping everyone at a comfortable temperature. Wood fencing is set inside of any building support structure to keep everyone on the riding surface and away from columns.
You can image the fun and enjoyment for the kids that will utilize this riding arena.
If your looking to improve your facilities with a Metal Building Horse Riding Arena, please give us a call or fill out our Quick Quote form to get started working on your project today!