Steel Building Landscaping

Steel Building Landscaping

Steel Building Landscaping

You have made the commitment to invest in a quality Renegade Steel Building and have completed erecting your building.  Don't forget your landscaping to make sure your building continues to look as good as new.  This is an often overlooked item that can either make a building look really nice, or if left undone, make a nice building look bad.  One of the things we often suggest to customer is to place mulch or even gravel around the base of their building.  This helps keep mud from splashing back up on the wall panels.  It's very important if you didn't choose gutters for your building, but also helps with any drips that may happen even with gutters.

Mud Splattered Steel Building
As you can see in this picture, it can really make your building look dirty if not addressed.
Clean Steel Building
You can see the contrast in the picture with mulch being added to the base of the building.
Steel Building Landscaping

The next step is simple landscaping in general.  You may wait for some grass to grow, but a professional landscaper can have your property looking top notch in short order.  Just take a look at the difference in the next couple of pictures.

Steel Building Landscaping
Steel building before landscaping

Of course landscaping your steel building is not limited to just grass.  The addition of plants, shrubs and trees along with finished concrete, brick or stone walkways make for a beautiful addition to your metal building.

Steel Building after landscaping

If your looking for a quality landscaper in the North Georgia area including the greater Atlanta area check out Legacy Landscape Solutions.